Valuation Express

valuation Express

Streamlining the Appraisal Process

Eliminate Bottlenecks. Increase Customer Satisfaction.

Lending has become more efficient, streamlined and technology-driven — and appraisal modernization efforts are incorporating the latest technology into the process. SVI’s Valuation Express uses machine learning to gain efficiencies, which reduces friction in the scheduling process and increases customer satisfaction.

Valuation Express

Using artificial intelligence, Valuation Express expedites the first 24 hours of the appraisal scheduling process, which leads to improved time efficiency and more loan closings.

No more scheduling bottlenecks

Valuation Express matches the homeowner’s preferred inspection times with a professional appraiser with availability in the area.

Enhanced customer experience

Our proprietary Appraisal Tracker keeps everyone in the know by providing easy-to-understand status updates to all stakeholders.

Improved pull-through rate

Valuation Express eliminates the traditional scheduling process, reducing time and customer fall out.

How Valuation Express Works

Valuation Express is different because it’s proactive from both sides — the homeowner (who chooses the time) and the appraisers (who informs us of availability using an easy interface). Predictive modeling does the rest by choosing the best fit. It can also be configured to a client’s needs, keeping most time windows under two hours.

The homeowner receives an email asking to select a time window for the appraisal.

SVI’s top-tier appraisers provide their current availability using a simple interface.

SVI leverages the power of advanced predictive data analysis to accurately forecast the availability of top-tier appraisers in our partner network.

Valuation Expresses uses these data points to choose the right top-tier appraiser to get the order, shaving days off the process.

Let’s Talk

Learn How We Can Help Speed Up Your Process

Faster appraisal, less stress — Valuation Express is a modern approach to scheduling.

Ready to get started with our team of experts?

Get in touch with us today to speak to one of our real estate valuation experts and learn how SVI can help your organization succeed.